The Digital Exam
When you get to the office, our technician will assist you in completing a set of pre-screening tests and record the findings in your chart. The front surface and behind-the-eye images are taken and uploaded to the patient’s charts to be reviewed by a MA Licensed Optometrist. A certified ophthalmic technician then appears onscreen via high-definition videoconferencing and performs the refraction in real-time using #2020now advanced digital software. The Licensed Optometrist then appears via videoconference to discuss all results of the pre-screening, eyeglass, or contact lens prescription and review the overall condition of the eye. The prescription is then printed for each patient after the eye exam. If any health issues need further evaluation the doctor will write up a referral and we will schedule accordingly.
*during our eye exam process we DO NOT dilate (drops that give you blurry vision for a few hours) the eyes.
the Future of Eye Exams
Located at
15 College Highway Suite B
Southampton, MA 01073
P- 413-527-5613
F- 413-527-3526
- Many insurances accepted
- State-of-the-Art Digital Eye exams
- Outside prescriptions are welcome
- Contact lens fittings
- Eyeglasses
- Prescription Sunglasses
- Safety glasses
- Latest technology treatment on lenses
- Repairs
- Adjustments & more
Hours of operation
Fall/Winter Hours
M 10-4
T 9:30-5
W 9-5
Th 11-5
Fr 9-4
Sa 9-1